Monday, October 27, 2008

Our Top Three Political Issues: The Economy, The Economy & The Economy

As we head to the election, one many have compared to as critical to social well being in the US since FDR, we see the polls, the newscasts, the oh so many talking heads, and the bottom line is The Economy is on most everyone's mind. Heck, I can't stop blogging about it! More so, it is what so many of you have said they want to know about more and more frequently.

Wall Street traders act on emotions - fear or stubborn pride affecting waves of decisions to sell or to hang in. Consumers and entrepreneurs hear the news...over and over. Many feel the credit crunch first hand, let alone are watching major portions of life savings or home equity go south for the permanent winter. Just a big, no huge punch in the gut, isn't it? You agree I am sure. Then can you also agree you just can't recall a really good fighter that went down and counted out with only punchs in the gut, can you? OK, most of you are still nodding in agreement. The question isn't whether things have the likelihood of getting worse for awhile as consumer spending further impacts retailers down the supply chain, because that is likely, but it is what you are going to do about this as both a consumer and entrepreneur.

I agree with many things both candidates say and, no matter your leaning, you have to agree with statements they make about our resiliency as a people and society. The fact is that turning any fiscal corner most always is done with the right "can do" attitude, as LBJ once said. That happens one person and one small business at a time, which candidates and all of us embrace and promise their own versions of support.

So, as my last blog suggested, recession proof your business plan as best as you can, but don't be paralyzed into inaction. Take positive and intelligent actions to build your business...maybe just a little slower or in fewer markets, but take the kind of action and effort that we need at all times but particularly during this time.

Feel free to ask for a free consult on your plan at

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