Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sustainable Entrepreneurs Desperately Needed

The global economy is slowly improving from the malaise, debacles and narrowing avoided catastrophes that began in 2008 with Lehman and AIG as poster big boys among others. The bail out of GM and Chrysler proved to be wise and positive. It is unfortunate that the auto industry as a whole remains as slow as a one legged tortoise in moving away from gas powered vehicles. Why do US politicians and the masses let alone the world not understand such a basic premise that fossil fuels are finite?

We have to reinvent the way we do things as a society from a macro to micro basis that has a sustainable focus. Local businesses need to use local resources wherever possible, lessening the carbon footprint and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Oil, let alone coal or natural gas are resources that have limits that have calculated by many great scientists if common senses isn’t enough. If we don’t create alternatives as well as develop literally millions of new businesses worldwide that are local, preserve resources, and deliver goods and services regionally, our planet is doomed. If we do shift the paradigm of fuel usage to renewables let alone natural gas, we are doomed.

Now is the time to seize the opportunities with a green business plan or a solar business plan, let alone look at various opportunities we have available to entrepreneurs that desire to get into a new business.

Contact us for more information at

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