Friday, February 20, 2009

Stimulus Package Depends on Entrepreneurs

While the economy surely feels the affects from reduced consumer spending, the real estate and financial markets as issues of substance, the President’s stimulus package is a great head start to improving the economy … providing small business owners and entrepreneurs step up to the plate. Our company ( advertises on a very regular basis in over 100 US cities, with responses to our ads reduced by more than 50% from September into mid-January from the last 1-2 years. That is the so-called “bad news.”

The “good news” is the additional marketing efforts that all businesses has offset issues like lower consumer spending or fewer businesses/entrepreneurs expanding or starting up operations during a slowed economy. The “better news” is that over the last several weeks, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of responses to our ads, but also the quality of the plans being presented by those who see opportunities within the stimulus plan and, even more so, are gaining confidence overall that they want to be in on the ground floor and beyond when the economy rebounds.

Throughout history, there have been economic downturns, some worse than others like the current slump that will surely get worse in some areas like job losses or foreclosures. One thing that is assured is that for every downturn there is the upswing that follows. We are pleased that in the huge vastness of economic issues, in our microcosm of the world, we see important signs of confidence from entrepreneurs that are a critical component to our economic recovery.

Feel free to contact me for more information on how the economy and the economic stimulus package in particular affect your business.

1 comment:

Funding Roadmap said...

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