Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marketing and Sales in a Soft Economy

Consumers are not spending as they were only a few months ago, many times holding off on major purchases such as cars, vacations, furniture and other luxury items as well. There are still buyers in all markets, just fewer of them depending on the product or the service offered. Consumers will still eat out, just somewhat less and look for better value. There continues to be a slowdown in construction yet people still renovations for expanding families and many want energy efficiency upgrades

So what are the answers to marketing in a soft economy? The primary answer is a high value product or service. Wal-Mart is a great example as their sales increase while others go down, but regional and smaller businesses nationwide can usually position their product or service as high value...and high quality. How you can position your business as such to consumers will largely determine your success in this market, yet alone any market. Feel free to ask for guidance or support in that regard or otherwise at

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